June 22, 2008

PurseHooks for Neiman Marcus & Bloomingdales?


WOW! Busy is good! The past couple months have been very good ones and work has been quite busy. From photoshoots, to web designing, to graphic designing, my time has been spent in front of the computer or behind the camera lens as of late. It's all been a lot of fun, too! A lot of hard work, mind you, but a lot of fun! Here's some of what's been going on:

PurseHooks for Neiman Marcus & Bloomingdales?

The good folks over at PurseHook.net had a couple of BIG meetings with buyers from Neiman Marcus AND Bloomingdales before they attended a show in Dallas this past Friday. For their meeting, they asked me to shoot some new hooks for them as well as put together some marketing material for the meetings. Ten flyers, 3 posters and lots of product photography shots later, voila.

PurseHook's new "SIGNATURE LINE" examples:
PurseHook's new "DIVA LINE" and new Marketing Posters:
A new concept, "FUMI", by Je'Marie PurseHook:

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