I recently purchased a 24-105 L Series IS (Image Stability) Canon lens for my 20D and I r-e-a-l-l-y like it! I decided to invest the cool $1000 for some upcoming client work and a future wedding I have in April. (Need an SLR lens? Try Beach Camera. They had the best prices on the internet - some $200 cheaper than the retail stores here in San Diego - and they're an authorized dealer of the products they sell so I could e-shop with peace of mind.): www.beachcamera.com/shop/searchresults.aspx?cti=1060&pti=1050) Somehow or other, in all my research of which lens I should buy to complement my gear, I missed the fact that this lens has a great macro feature with it. Crazy, huh? Talk about happy little accidents! Here are a couple images from just outside my front door.
Did I mention that my roomate was going to get a lot of exposure in this place? Took a nice shot of him while I was shooting the floral and then experimented with a few Photoshop borders, a nice tight crop and voila! Hmmm, maybe I should think about going into the postcard business...
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